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= 今日の謎 =
All bellow are written by やむ.

[<前月] [2001/09/18の内容を表示中] [次月>] [戻る]

2001/09/18 00:48:52   今日の一言: (( ニューヨーク証券取引所が動いている… ))

[第 00948 回]

兎に角戦わなくちゃ。憎しみと。人を死に追いやる力と。fight, fight, fight, fight...


Where is the devil?
I mourn for every people damaged by the terrorism.
I hate the devil who caused this tragedy and strongly want to fight with it.
However, the devil is not a specific individual nor even a nation.
The devil was born so long time ago.
It thought of a game, just a game.
A tribe had believed a god and the other did another.
It planted them an emotion.
They had come to hate those who had different kind of faith from themselves.
They had have different belief each other.
They had thought they - their belief or their god - was just only a justice!
They had been so pious.
After all, as a natural conclusion, they hated each other.
With the violent emotion from the hatred, he attacked the other tribe.
People who received the attack mourned for the comrade who fell victim.
And they decided to punish him. Not only him but his relatives.
They had enough power to do that.
His family and the tribe he belonged to almost exterminated.
The devil saw that incident and chuckled alone. It loves evil spirits so much.
The devil has spread the traps around scrupulously.
We must notice it to defeat the devil, and for peace.
I strongly hope just peace, not a hell where suspicion, hatred, and fear whirl.
God bless you all.

アフガン「外れている」 官房長官、周辺事態法適用否定
「米国支持は我々の責任」 首相、米大使に
イージス艦2隻が出港 米軍横須賀基地
NYの不明者、46の国・地域の人々 「人種のるつぼ」
破壊エネルギーは「広島原爆の50分の1」 NYのテロ
首相、後方支援で新法検討を指示 米と連携強調
タリバーンとの交渉を開始 パキスタン代表団
がれきの山の中、不休で救出活動 「爆心地」と呼び作業
安否情報求め病院を尋ね歩く 不明の日本人家族
スキージャンプのソルトレーク合宿中止 テロ事件で
原油再びストップ高 東京工業品取引所
バングラデシュに領空使用の許可申請 米政府
「法にてらして処罰を」 米テロ報復で共産党が書簡
在沖米軍輸送船に攻撃用ヘリ積み込む 那覇軍港
ビンラディン氏組織、毒性物質を実験か NY紙報道
米FRBが0.5%緊急利下げ 消費者心理底支え
再開のNY株大幅安、9000ドル割れ寸前 テロ事件懸念し急落
タリバーン側「正常化に望み」 パキスタン特使と会談
防衛庁、情報収集の艦船派遣を検討 米軍支援

P-in m@ster。欲しいけど、そんなに使わないから無駄かな…

今日は Linux の誕生10周年記念だそうだ。Linux's Birthday

[<前月] [2001/09/18の内容を表示中] [次月>] [戻る]

SimpleDiary 3.51 (C)1998-1998-2007 HUNTER Creative
Scripts/HTMLs are all written by Yum.
Any questions must go to MASTER :-).
2001 年 09 月
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